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What are people saying about Vincent the Catholic Linguist?

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"Vince's workshops were well received by those that attended them. The subject matter was interesting to the teens and his presentation style engaging."

Matthew Beck

Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry

Archdiocese of Anchorage


“Vincent was an immense help to our parish (Holy Name, Diocese of Juneau) by reinvigorating our relationship with our Holy Family Mission to the Tsimshian people of the Annette Island Indian Community (Metlakatla, Alaska). He was able to build bridges and facilitate cross-cultural understanding, not just by promoting a ministry of presence, but by far grander gestures – such as learning to speak and share the faith in their native language (Sm’algyax). Thanks to his efforts, we enjoy a closer relationship with our parishioners and prospective parishioners who live on the island, an hour distant from Ketchikan by boat.   I am also pleased to recommend him as a general speaker, as well as a musician.”

Fr.  Patrick Travers

Vicar General and Judicial Vicar, Diocese of Juneau

Pastor, Holy Name Catholic Church & Holy Family Mission


“I was impressed by your speaking and knowledge. I think you are going be helpful for our native people because you're genuine, you care, and it shows. Thank you so much for being there. I want to thank you for mentioning me in your radio program interview (click here​) which I listen to. Whenever I leave & have to call someone in to take care of my dogs, it means a lot to have the right person there because I care & want them to be happy & well cared for." 

Marilyn Stack, Tsimshian / Athabascan Elder (Saxman, Alaska)


"Vincent spoke at my ministry on the topic of Islam. Having attended a secular university, I’d studied Islam a bit here and there, but Vincent really provided a comprehensive examination of it. His presentation was very clear and even-handed, and I definitely learned a great deal from him. It’s helped me not only in my own life, but also while working in youth ministry and being asked plenty of tough questions!”

Brooks Ward, Virginia Tech


“Vincent was remarkable in catching – and maintaining – the interest of our indigenous youth as he explained the mysteries of the Faith in simple and relatable terms. He has a true passion for Native American ministry – even going so far as lead the youth in the prayers in their language (Plains Ojibwa). I cannot recommend him highly enough as a speaker – whether for youth, youth workers, or even a whole parish!”

Kevin Ashbrook

(Former) Youth Minister at St. Ann’s Mission

Belcourt, North Dakota

Testimonials: Testimonials
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